Friday, June 02, 2006

Exxon - obscenely rich, morally bankrupt

17 years on from the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, Alaska is requesting a further $92 million to pay for the clean-up operation. For a company that has declared $36 BILLION in profits this week, and can happily give their retiring CEO a $400 million package, why are they quibbling over a relatively small sum of money? In 1989 the oil spill in Prince William Sound was catastrophic to the environment, so it is not surprising that there have been long term effects. Exxon know this, despite dismissing the scientific studies in preference to their own bought ones, which of course deny there are any lasting effects. They might be one of the richest and most powerful companies in the world today but morally and ethically, Exxon is bankrupt.

The more I read about Exxon, the more concerned I am about the political situation in the US. The company appears to have far too much power and influence in the White House. How much money have they spent on denying the effects of burning fossil fuels on global warming? How much time and effort have they spent on suppressing anti-emissions legislation? As says

Right now [US] Congress is buzzing with talk about price gouging at the gas pump and ExxonMobil’s excessive profits and CEO pay packages. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil is stepping up its efforts to lobby for more drilling in protected places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge”

This is a company who takes the earth's natural resources and sells them to the highest bidder, but gives very little back. They deny the existence of global warming and climate change and pay vast sums of money to ensure that all scientific studies that prove the link between burning fossil fuels and climate change are discredited. They are prepared to destroy ecosystems to produce more oil and in turn increase their excessive profits. So why are we allowing companies like Exxon, Shell, BP et al to hasten the destruction of our planet? Have their CEO’s and supporters got another planet to move to when the earth collapses under the strain of coping with greenhouse gas emissions and resulting climate change? For this seems to be the only way they can survive to spend their millions.

I have so many questions about Exxon and the morality of their actions, but find it hard to believe that they are unaware of what they are doing. Maybe they just don’t care, as the power-mongers and decision-makers within the company will be dead by the time climate change really starts to bite. My hope is that Exxon executives will start to accept that their current actions will have serious repercussions on future generations’ ability to survive on earth, and that these future generations will include their own families. Do these people not realise that their own children and grandchildren will reap what they have sown?


At 05 June, 2006 13:07 , Blogger Phugebrins said...

My goodness, that's frightening. Thanks for the links, too - I've already been putting them to use.

At 21 July, 2006 07:07 , Blogger yifan said...

may i use your first paragraph please? it is for a geography project. email me at

At 21 July, 2006 07:07 , Blogger yifan said...

may i use your first paragraph please? it is for a geography project. email me at

At 15 November, 2006 16:13 , Blogger Matt Burge said...

Hello fellow Green Blogger,

Over at we have a poll running that we would like you to take part in if you wish.

The question runs; ‘What do you think is the best way to tackle climate change?

Hope you have time to give your views on this very important issue.


At 28 January, 2007 08:47 , Blogger Phil said...

Exxon don't care. Like all corporations they only "care" if it's in their interests to do so.

In a system where the bottom line is the only thing that matters we shouldn't expect businesses to be anything other than amoral.

At 30 August, 2007 10:52 , Blogger alvinwriter said...

Everybody is looking for oil even as the Arctic ice recedes, allowing for more opportunities to search for vast deposits of the black gold which are said to lie underneath the ice.

Russia, Canada, and a host of others countries that form a ring around the North Pole have all eyes peeled. What does this mean? Simple. People will not stop looking for, and using, fossil fuels until the deposits are depleted.

Once that happens, all the carbon dioxide that was stored in the ground with them will have been released. Who I hope there will be enough trees to soak a big percentage of it from the atmosphere.

Corn is used to track air pollution:

- Alvin from TheScienceDesk at

At 10 October, 2007 22:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good evening,

We’re running an unbranded video campaign, highlighting the adverse effects of climate change on British wildlife, and would be interested in buying some advertising or advertorial space on your blog. Sorry- couldn’t see where to get in touch.

Best regards,

Yvonne Smeets

At 21 July, 2010 15:55 , Blogger Aniket Jha said...


I really need to tell you this, there is nothing like global warming happening up. See i agree to the fact the company is really being a miser, but I do not agree to the global warming issue. There is statical prof, that there is nothing like global warming happening up. You would be surprised to know that even the weather forecast is a forecast only, cause they still cannot actually accurately predict the weather. Adding to it, the there predictions made in the history for the global warming has been exaggerated that too by 300% so I dont even know if that is to be called a forecast now. I can help you with studies relating to it.


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